MSN Labs Brazil, is being incorporated into the Brazilian registration system. This will also be one of the wholly owned subsidiaries of the MSN Group of Companies.

Healthcare Solutions and Therapeutic Services

TThe company is in the process of developing the Bioequivalence (BE) and Pharmaceutical Equivalence (PE) studies for the next phase of dossiers to be submitted in the areas of -

Current and Future Offerings

The company has made submission of products to ANVISA through local partners. With an aim to team up in the future with the healthcare providers in Brazil, MSN Labs Brazil is developing B2B businesses to offer a robust product portfolio.

Office Address

As this subsidiary is still in the process of being incorporated and while they have thought out the site for the facility, the office address will be made available, once the incorporation procedure is complete.

+91 40 30438600

Our ever-growing portfolio

We are extremely grateful for the wonderful family of clients and customers that we have built across the globe.